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I have to embed xml verifying capabilities into a c++ program. I failed so far.
xml-security-c provides a few tools which are supposed to be "easy" to use, but as far as i'm concerned, they are not.
what i do:
1. Creating an rsa key pair with openssl:
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2088
openssl rsa -in key.pem -pubout >
2. Add modulus and exponent: (by hand from this output)
openssl rsa -modulus -pubin <
openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -text -noout <
3. Signig my example:
Templatesign -r key.pem pass123 test.lic > signed.lic
4. Check for changes:
Digest and SignedValue differ!
Exponent and modulus not - as expected
5. Check signature:
checksig signed.lic || echo $?
Signature failed verification
Validation of <SignedInfo> failed
[1]+ Exit 1 checksig signed.lic
Signing works, Validating not and thus signing does not work either because if it would, i could validate it.
Does anyone use this tool? Have some Experience? I would appreciate any help an especially a solid example.
When i got it to work in the shell with these tools i can easy create a C++ class for my personal use.
Regard, Archdove