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#1 2013-05-29 17:20:03

Registered: 2011-07-07
Posts: 39

mpd + ncmpcpp streaming with ssh and putty


is it wright when i installed mpd+ncmpcpp on an Server each user who is on the same Domain can hear the Music on his
Laptop or other Device?

for instance

user A is in London
user B is in Athens
user C is in Berlin

the Server Unix/Linux where mpd + ncmpcpp is installed is in London

so if user A logs in and play a song he should here the song on his device wright? and if they 3 log at the same time and try to here
different songs  would this work?

and when a user who is in Australia but not registered at the same Domain and will connect from Windows per ssh with putty (he knows the account details from user A because he is his brother) would he here something on his Laptop?

i ask this because when i try to connect from Windows per putty and also from Unix i was not able to hear anything from my Laptop Boxes sad only if i switch the Boxes on where my Server where connected.

I thought with mpd it would be possible to handle this different constellations


#2 2013-05-29 17:36:29

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: mpd + ncmpcpp streaming with ssh and putty

I don't really understand what is being asked here.  Do you want to be able to have each user hear different things, or are you tring to get it so that every user hears the same thing?

If it is the case where you want each user to hear something different, I would imagine that if you created a per-user instance if mpd, then had each output going to a different port on the IP address, then you could presumably have each user listening to their own stream/port.  But if you create a system instance of MPD, then you are surely going to have all users connecting to the same instance, and therefore the same song being played.

You can start a user instance of mpd, either by using systemd user sessions (which might be overkill if this is the only thing you will use it for) or you can simply create a service file like /etc/systemd/system/mpd@.service in which you have:

.include /usr/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service


Then you can start it for your own user via mpd@kerasi.service, mpd@wonderwoofy.service, etc.


#3 2013-05-29 17:56:47

Registered: 2011-07-07
Posts: 39

Re: mpd + ncmpcpp streaming with ssh and putty


the problem is i can connect from windows per putty to my linux server where i have setup mpd.conf globally, but i can not here anything on my laptop. I will be able if i was at work to connect to my server at home where i have stored all my music and listen to them on my laptop, this dont work at the moment.


#4 2013-05-29 18:12:39

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: mpd + ncmpcpp streaming with ssh and putty

Okay, well I think then you are going to need to be more explicit in how you are connecting "from windows per putty".  You have reasonable expectations that you *should* be able to listen to your music remotely.  But this requires that it be set up correctly.  So without more information about how you actually set this up (besides saying "i have setup mpd.conf globally"), it is going to be really hard to help you.

Also, if the issue is this simple, then I am not sure why there was the need for the lengthy hypothetical example in the first post.  Quite frankly, it was terribly confusing.


#5 2013-05-30 08:56:22

Registered: 2011-07-07
Posts: 39

Re: mpd + ncmpcpp streaming with ssh and putty

good morning


what i need is i will when i was in holiday be able to log into my home server where i have stored all my music and listen to them on the device (laptop) in the hotel.

what works is i can now log in from work and start ncmpcpp i can search in the database, play songs but i dont hear anything :-(


#6 2013-08-11 11:00:42

Registered: 2012-04-26
Posts: 136

Re: mpd + ncmpcpp streaming with ssh and putty

Might be a little late, and it might not be exactly what you want but I can really recommend Subsonic for this sort of thing. Simple setup, web interface and clients for a wide range of devices.


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