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#1 2013-05-31 02:24:58

Registered: 2012-03-09
Posts: 14

mpDris will not connect to mpd instance

Hi all, am trying to get album art displayed in conky, from a running mpd instance. Am using this guide
I already had mpd running, and successfully playing using ario as a frontend. So I know mpd is running and operational.
However, when I run "python2 /usr/bin/mpDris --path=/home/jordan/Music 'mpd'" It just times out.

Previously I had mpd running without a password, and mpDris threw me an incorrect password error. So I put a pass on mpd, and then gave that as an argument to mpDris. mpDris just times out when running this command, even while I am listening to music from the mpd instance.

I am new to arch/linux in general, so I probably made an obvious error.

Note: the original command, was "python" instead of python2, that threw syntax errors, and I guessed that was because when the guide was made, "python" referred to python2, not 3. Would that be correct?


I assume no file is relevant for mpDris as I am running it with command line arguments.


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