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#1 2013-06-06 21:40:47

From: Norway
Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 87

Is there a way to access the Airport Extreme from a Linux system?

I would really like to be able to access the settings on my Airport Extreme, but I only run Arch and Android these days. The best option (for me) would be to buy a new router, but I'm a full time student and can't afford it. So I'm stuck with my old Airport. Back in the days I had an iPhone, so I could access it that way, but not anymore. I really hope that someone can help me out here, although I'm not that optimistic.


#2 2013-06-06 21:49:45

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: Is there a way to access the Airport Extreme from a Linux system?

It doesn't have a web interface?

<edit>Apologies... I actually own an iPad, so I really have no excuse for asking that question. tongue

Last edited by tomk (2013-06-06 21:55:14)


#3 2013-06-06 21:52:09

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,280

Re: Is there a way to access the Airport Extreme from a Linux system?

| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |


#4 2013-06-06 21:58:23

From: Norway
Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 87

Re: Is there a way to access the Airport Extreme from a Linux system?

tomk wrote:

It doesn't have a web interface?

<edit>Apologies... I actually own an iPad, so I really have no excuse for asking that question. tongue

A major flaw. But I was not that familiar with networking when I first bought the Airport years ago.

I'll try this out. Thanks!


#5 2013-06-07 23:30:16

From: Norway
Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 87

Re: Is there a way to access the Airport Extreme from a Linux system?

Running the Win edition on Wine did not work. The application runs, but it can't detect any units. I'll try the other tool and report back.


#6 2013-06-08 00:49:56

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: Is there a way to access the Airport Extreme from a Linux system?

If you get this working, do please report on how. We have 2 airport extreme base stations and it is really awkward. (I currently have an old powerbook which I now boot only to deal with this but due to some issues, the configuration screen is a literally moving target. It also has debian but that, of course, has much the same issue as arch being linux 'n all.)

Here was my attempt at a PKGBUILD with apologies to anybody whose work I cannibalised in attempting this:

pkgdesc="configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort base stations"
depends=( 'java-runtime' )
#makedepends=( 'java-environment' )
build() {
        mkdir -p $startdir/src
        dpkg-deb -x $startdir/debian/airport-utils_2-2_all.deb $startdir/src/
        (cd $startdir/src; tar -xvzf $startdir/debian/airport-utils_2-2.debian.tar)
        patch -d $startdir/src/debian < airport-utils_2-2ubuntu1.debdiff
        f=$(cd $startdir/src/usr/bin; ls)
        mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
        mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
        cp -pr $startdir/src/usr/share/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/
        for i in $f
                j=$(grep airportjar= $startdir/src/usr/bin/$i | sed -e 's/airportjar=//' -e 's/\.jar//')
                sed -e 's/PROGRAMNAME/airport-utils/' -e "s/PROGRAMNAME/$j/" $startdir/schema > $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/$i
                chmod +x $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/$i
                cp -p $startdir/$i.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/

Note that I am fully aware this doesn't satisfy the packaging guidelines but I think that is the least of its problems.

EDIT: If anybody has any idea why I have usr/share/fonts/Type1 in the middle, could they kindly let me know?

Last edited by cfr (2013-06-08 00:53:03)

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