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I would really like to be able to access the settings on my Airport Extreme, but I only run Arch and Android these days. The best option (for me) would be to buy a new router, but I'm a full time student and can't afford it. So I'm stuck with my old Airport. Back in the days I had an iPhone, so I could access it that way, but not anymore. I really hope that someone can help me out here, although I'm not that optimistic.
It doesn't have a web interface?
<edit>Apologies... I actually own an iPad, so I really have no excuse for asking that question.
Last edited by tomk (2013-06-06 21:55:14)
Here are the tools … nfigurator
If it doesn't work, try wine: … cale=en_US
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
It doesn't have a web interface?
<edit>Apologies... I actually own an iPad, so I really have no excuse for asking that question.
A major flaw. But I was not that familiar with networking when I first bought the Airport years ago.
Here are the tools … nfigurator
If it doesn't work, try wine: … cale=en_US
I'll try this out. Thanks!
Running the Win edition on Wine did not work. The application runs, but it can't detect any units. I'll try the other tool and report back.
If you get this working, do please report on how. We have 2 airport extreme base stations and it is really awkward. (I currently have an old powerbook which I now boot only to deal with this but due to some issues, the configuration screen is a literally moving target. It also has debian but that, of course, has much the same issue as arch being linux 'n all.)
Here was my attempt at a PKGBUILD with apologies to anybody whose work I cannibalised in attempting this:
pkgdesc="configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort base stations"
depends=( 'java-runtime' )
#makedepends=( 'java-environment' )
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/src
dpkg-deb -x $startdir/debian/airport-utils_2-2_all.deb $startdir/src/
(cd $startdir/src; tar -xvzf $startdir/debian/airport-utils_2-2.debian.tar)
patch -d $startdir/src/debian < airport-utils_2-2ubuntu1.debdiff
f=$(cd $startdir/src/usr/bin; ls)
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
cp -pr $startdir/src/usr/share/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/
for i in $f
j=$(grep airportjar= $startdir/src/usr/bin/$i | sed -e 's/airportjar=//' -e 's/\.jar//')
sed -e 's/PROGRAMNAME/airport-utils/' -e "s/PROGRAMNAME/$j/" $startdir/schema > $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/$i
chmod +x $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/$i
cp -p $startdir/$i.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/
Note that I am fully aware this doesn't satisfy the packaging guidelines but I think that is the least of its problems.
EDIT: If anybody has any idea why I have usr/share/fonts/Type1 in the middle, could they kindly let me know?
Last edited by cfr (2013-06-08 00:53:03)
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