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#1 2005-12-04 20:08:55

Registered: 2005-06-08
Posts: 95

problem with lamp

hey there,
i have had apache and php going fine for a while now.
but i am trying to get mysql to run ok, and use phpmyadmin. neither seemed to work.
i followed the lamp wiki (except for what had already been done)

i am having two problems really, one, arch installs everything into /home/http
and i have everthing set up to go from /var/www
i am using virtual hosting but only need the phpmyadmin to run off the default domain (host name of computer )

when i try to load phpmyadmin, it tells me that it cannot find it
( i copied it to the var/www/myfirsthost/web_root

when i try to go there manually from epiphany, the index.php script will not load, it just opens as text in gedit.

ok, other problem, i cannot create a root user password for mysql.
when i got to that step in the wiki
mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'
it tells me it cannot connect as user root useing password  no.

any ideas ?



#2 2005-12-04 21:52:01

Registered: 2005-06-08
Posts: 95

Re: problem with lamp

ok. i have a root password. thanks google.

my phpmyadmin is still not working. my test file that shows phpinfo does work however.

am i missing something here ? why is phpmyadmin not loading a php file (index.php)
instead of running it, it prints the source code for it.


#3 2005-12-05 06:21:07

Registered: 2005-06-08
Posts: 95

Re: problem with lamp

ok, nevermind. its fixed now.


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