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I'm installing HAVP from Aur with Yaourt. But it made me an empty package.
From this forum, I see this topic
And HAVP is installed into the firewall.
Now, I want to enable and start havp after settings:
systemctl enable havp
systemctl start havp
systemctl status havp
But systemctl say me that havp.service not exist
Failed to issue method call: Unit havp.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status havp.service' for details.
if I ran havp from command line, I get this error:
Starting HAVP Version: 0.92
Filesystem not supporting mandatory locks!
On Linux, you need to mount filesystem with "-o mand"
I googled it and change my fstab to:
# /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1
/dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults,mand 0 1
/dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
Where the remark line is the original.
I reboot several times but i get always this two last errors, and I can't make havp run
Last edited by Ferchu (2013-09-10 12:47:15)
Fernando Pucci
GPG: E1AB 369F C188 9DCD F423 7090 1C88 D8FB C3FB 42EB
Having to do with it everyday and finally not anymore wouldn't opt for havp, check out c-icap if you are looking for a better integration with squid/dansguardian etc.. But this of course doens't answer the thread...
While installing havp I would read the comments of the AUR users:
Comment by kerim (2013-08-15 21:59)
to produce none empty packagein PKGBUILD change these lines
make DESTDIR=$startdir/havp install
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg/havp installfrom:
install -D -m755 $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/etc/init.d/$pkgname $startdir/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgname
install -D -m755 $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/etc/init.d/$pkgname $startdir/pkg/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgnamefrom:
perl -pi -e 's/usr\/local\///' $startdir/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgname
perl -pi -e 's/usr\/local\///' $startdir/pkg/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgnamethen it will produce all package content with full of files.
You should be acutely aware of what you do with the AUR. The build scripts there are unregulated and unsupported. So it is your responsisbility to ensure that what the PKGBUILD is doing is not anything malicious. This is just yet another reason not to use an AUR helper, and particularly one that has a recommended installation method that doesn't encourage the user to understand what and how these packages are created.
Having to do with it everyday and finally not anymore wouldn't opt for havp, check out c-icap if you are looking for a better integration with squid/dansguardian etc.. But this of course doens't answer the thread...
While installing havp I would read the comments of the AUR users:
Comment by kerim (2013-08-15 21:59)
to produce none empty packagein PKGBUILD change these lines
make DESTDIR=$startdir/havp install
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg/havp installfrom:
install -D -m755 $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/etc/init.d/$pkgname $startdir/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgname
install -D -m755 $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/etc/init.d/$pkgname $startdir/pkg/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgnamefrom:
perl -pi -e 's/usr\/local\///' $startdir/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgname
perl -pi -e 's/usr\/local\///' $startdir/pkg/havp/etc/rc.d/$pkgnamethen it will produce all package content with full of files.
Exactly. This is the topic i show in the link.
I had to do those fixes to install havp because without corrections yaourt make me an empty package.
I will read about c-icap. Thank you.
But I have three firewalls and two of them use havp. looking to swap between them.
Fernando Pucci
GPG: E1AB 369F C188 9DCD F423 7090 1C88 D8FB C3FB 42EB
WonderWoofy: I understand what you say. And I Agree with this. I don't want to install anything from the AUR.
But I need soft like postfix, dovecot, roundcube, maybe Mysql, HAVP and so on. Well know software. That is because i use havp
Fernando Pucci
GPG: E1AB 369F C188 9DCD F423 7090 1C88 D8FB C3FB 42EB
Well well well. I made havp run.
The mand option is working in fstab, my mistake is to select /tmp/... as temp folder.
I made another tmp folder into /var/log/havp/tmp to put the temp files like havp_xxxx and havp start to run.
But the systemctl start havp or systemctl enable havp not work.
I must to start it from command line just writting
# havp
Fernando Pucci
GPG: E1AB 369F C188 9DCD F423 7090 1C88 D8FB C3FB 42EB
Ok. I mark this topic as solved, but autostart havp as usual by systemctl is not solved.
Thank for all
Fernando Pucci
GPG: E1AB 369F C188 9DCD F423 7090 1C88 D8FB C3FB 42EB