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from time to time, on clicking somewhere on chromium, I get a pop-up window with a adcash webpage that leads to some sex related pages. Is it the first time I get a malware on linux? What do I do with that ?
Go to Tools > Extensions and see if there's anything there that you didn't install. And in the URL bar type "chrome://plugins" and see if there's anything there you also didn't install. Remove/disable anything that looks fishy.
Thank you Headkase;
When I went to Tools > Extensions I found a "Plug-ins" button (version 0.8.0) that apparently gives access to the plug-ins page from a button next to the address bar, and when I removed it--and closed/opened Chromium--the bad pop-up behavior went away. As an added bonus, the "memory leak" where Chromium would creep up on 8.5GB of RAM/SWAP went away as well. I still don't know how I got this malware as I'm pretty careful with my browsing and have Ghostery enabled.
Right on, you're welcome. The OP hasn't gotten back however..