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After today's upgrade (pacman -Syu) resolver doesn't work. I'm able to ping hosts by IP address but not by a hostname. I see no errors during the boot and in dmesg. The /etc/resolv.conf also didn't changed. But resolver doesn't work for some strange reason. Today's upgrade included (in my case) new kernel and new glibc. Is it a known issue? What to do, what to check? I have no network and I'm writing this message from Windows now.
Last edited by finalizer (2013-09-19 20:01:15)
Just a sanity check -- you did reboot into that new kernel, right?
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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Just a sanity check -- you did reboot into that new kernel, right?
Yes. I think this problem relates to the following upstream bug report:
because I have Marvell Yukon based network card.
Last edited by finalizer (2013-09-17 22:57:42)
Patch from 5-th message fixes this issue.
Thank you for being epic and finding the problem!
I hit this same issue. Since I'm super lazy, I just chucked a Netgear GigE card in the box and called it good. I'll wait for the powers-that-be to fix the problem and then throw the card back in my pile o' spare parts.
The last (as of this writing) comment in the thread on that bug report is very relevant, though: what's the expected user experience for this? If finalizer hadn't accurately triaged the problem and reported a solution, it may have taken me hours to figure out that the onboard NIC from my aging motherboard, which worked perfectly up until the upgrade today, was the culprit. If I hadn't happened to see the thread as I was browsing this board, I would have been up a creek.
User experience seems not to be so important here, but packaging from the upstreams.