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#1 2013-09-25 17:31:51

Registered: 2012-05-14
Posts: 32

php-fpm won't create pid and sock in chroot jail

So I'm a total newbie try to get my hands on nginx for the first time. I followed the wiki and successfully set up nginx, but when I went on setting up php, I found out the second half of the wiki isn't even compatible with the first half, since it seems to presume we installed nginx normally, despite the fact that the first part is all about getting it done in a chroot jail.

What's more, no matter how I edit the php-fpm.config and php-fpm.service files, it just doesn't seem to work; both and php-fpm.sock are still created under /run/php-fpm/, so nginx couldn't see them. And of course there isn't any mentioning about setting up PHP in the chroot jail on the wiki. Finally, after reading some of the past relevant threads I still have no idea how to resolve this.

Could use some help. Thanks!


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