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Anyone know what's going on with NFS after the most recent update? Or is it best to just downgrade?
Edit: I realize now that the Pacman upgrade thread index might be more appropiate for this
Last edited by wdirksen (2013-11-26 21:57:11)
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i can confirm the issue with nfs-utils, a downgrade solves the problem.
none on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw,relatime)
Check if rpc_pipefs is mounted, nfs worked fine before even if I didn't had it in /etc/fstab but after a recent update I found that nfs was not working animore, and rpc_pipefs was not mounted, after adding
none /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs default 0 0
in my fstab everything was back to normality.
Last edited by erm67 (2013-11-27 13:40:21)
Thanks erm67. I will give that a try.
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@erm67 - If this is general plz open a flyspray against filesystem or at the least, document it on the wiki.
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