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Hi all,
I have kind of a weird problem at my university's library (in the U.S.). It seems I cannot get access to the Internet at the library. I have tried everything: wicd, netctl, wpa_gui, and also manually. The weird thing is that at the library I can get neither an AP nor a DHCP lease. However, using exactly the same configuration, I can get access to the Internet from other university buildings (and all of them use the same SSID).
I believe the problem at the library is that the SSID we have to use has multiple frequencies and MAC-addresses (over 5-6 I would say). You think this has something to do with my problem? Any thoughts about how I could fix the problem?
Isn't something in the log?
English isn't my first language.
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You say you can get neither an AP or a DHCP lease. The DHCP lease is a fairly high level protocol that cannot work until you have established a connection with an access point (AP). When you say you cannot get an AP, I assume that means you cannot associate with the access point; the wireless equivalent of plugging in the cable.
In the library, run sudo iw wlan0 scan (replace wlan0 with the name of your interface) If you would, capture the output and post it back here.
If you can associate with the AP, and can prove it with iw wlan0 info, but cannot obtain a DHCP address, then there may be problems with the library's configuration. If you can associate, you might try experimenting with dhclient instead of dhcpcd.
Finally, is this an open network, or does it use WPA? (I doubt a university uses WEP)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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Thanks for your replies.
I am back home visiting friends and relatives, so will not be able to try this until January.
At the library I cannot get an AP, but using the same configuration on wicd and netctl I can get an AP and a DHCP lease from other buildings around campus. It is a WEP2-Enterprise network, something like Eduroam (but for some reason NYU does not like it and instead they use something else).
It is weird because the problem happens only at the library... netctl@wicd.bla.bla.service throws something like "failed at getting authorization" (something like that). Ofc, I am using the right ID and password (since, again, it works just fine at other building around campus).
Thanks a lot for your thoughts!