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#1 2013-12-22 04:07:03

Registered: 2011-02-28
Posts: 46

Dynamic DNS, Apache and Port Forwarding still shows IP Addess?

So, I am fairly new to server administration and I am learning a lot through this process.  I recently built a small dual purpose server that hosts a website and doubles as a NAS and media frontend.  Additionally, I got dynamic DNS service with so that I could access my server with a name instead of the IP address.  Everything (for the most part) works just fine.  When I point my browser to, it works just fine.  Through, I can setup port 80 redirections so that it simulates going to that port from a subdomain name.  The issue that I am having is that the name resolves just fine in accordance with the DDNS service on, but it immediately switches back to the IP address in the address bar on any browser.  (for instance, when I go to, it goes to in the address bar).  It's a little thing, but it never keeps the domain name in the address bar.  I am not sure if I need to configure apache differently, add a virtualhost, or manage the ports on the server instead of managing the port forwards on my router.  There are several ports that I have forwarded and through my router and have a subdomain attached to them with the noip port 80 redirect and all of them strip the domain name and go right to direct IP addresses in the address bar.  I tried to simplify a drawing to help understand below.

NO-IP Dynamic DNS Service (attaches name and does port redirects for 10000, 10001, 10002 for 3 different subdomains)
Router (Port forwards 22, 80, 10000, 10001, 10002 from
Server is

My ultimate goal is to figure out where the problem resides so that I can fix it.  I am just trying to mask the IP address and make it so that when I point my browser to, it resolves properly and doesn't go back to using the IP address in the address bar.

(it sounds crazy, but there are some networks that I use that block direct access to an IP address, and will only allow access via a domain name, that is why I am trying to figure this out).

Any help is greatly appreciated.



#2 2013-12-22 13:16:37

Registered: 2011-11-04
Posts: 169

Re: Dynamic DNS, Apache and Port Forwarding still shows IP Addess?

I don't know how's redirects work, but if I had to guess, I'd say that the problem is most likely on that side.
To test this you could execute something like "wget -O-" and analyze the output.

Why are you using different ports in the first place? You have different subdomains, so you can simply point all of them to your ip and port 80 and let apache decide what to show on which subdomain via virtualhosts.

i'm sorry for my poor english wirting skills…


#3 2013-12-23 03:25:20

Registered: 2011-02-28
Posts: 46

Re: Dynamic DNS, Apache and Port Forwarding still shows IP Addess?

After farming through some more forum posts, that is the determination that I came to; I am going to use virtual hosts for this.  The new problem I have run into is finding where the root of webmin is.  I know that it resides on port 10000, but I know there is a root directory somewhere that I can point a virtualhost to.  Once I find that folder, I should be good for the virtualhost.


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