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I've got a Raspberry Pi running Arch Linux, which has ethernet (eth0) & a USB 4G dongle (wwan0). The Ethernet port is always plugged in and eth0 is assigned a static IP via netctl. The Internet connection is via wwan0, but the system wants to send internet traffic over eth0, not wwan0. The only way I can get the internet to work on the Pi is to unplug the ethernet cable, which I don't want to do, as I use eth0 as a "diagnostic port" to ssh in over when I want to check up on the Pi.
Is there a way to prioritise Internet traffic via wwan0 first, over eth0?
Is your default route set to the IP address of the gateway on the LAN network or the WLAN network?
You can check with...
ip route
Last edited by Slithery (2013-12-29 13:24:08)
Run "route" and look at the "metric" column