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#1 2014-01-01 20:28:00

Registered: 2013-04-30
Posts: 692

netctl: stopping ppp0 service, but connection is still up

right after i installed archlinux about half a year ago (with a simple openbox environment), I set up my mobile broadband internet connection with this wiki page.
fortunately the change to netctl was already made then and i integrated my mobile broadband into it. unfortunately i can't exactly remember how (that wiki page does not cover netctl).
it has been working nicely, i could manually start/stop the service (on purpose), and it would bring the interface up/down.
today i noticed that i cannot bring it down anymore. this has been working before.
netctl shows me that the profile is stopped, but the connection is still up. it still works fine with pon/poff or killall pppd.

looking at the various systemd and netctl directories i see nothing i haven't seen earlier, although i'm confused by the multitude of network related services.

some troubleshooting:

$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep netctl
netctl-auto@.service                       disabled
netctl-ifplugd@.service                    disabled
netctl-sleep.service                       disabled
netctl.service                             disabled
netctl@.service                            static
$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep ppp
ppp@.service                               disabled

right now, internet is up but the netctl service is stopped:

$ netctl status ppp0
netctl@ppp0.service - Networking for netctl profile ppp0
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/netctl@.service; static)
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:netctl.profile(5)

starting or stopping the profile does not produce any output, no error, exit code 0.
after starting, it looks like this:

$ netctl status ppp0
netctl@ppp0.service - Networking for netctl profile ppp0
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/netctl@.service; static)
   Active: active (exited) since Wed 2014-01-01 22:15:25 EET; 11s ago
     Docs: man:netctl.profile(5)
  Process: 5057 ExecStart=/usr/lib/network/network start %I (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 5057 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

i'm not sure when this started, but i think after the last update.
at first i noticed that netctl was autoconnecting during boot, but i disabled pretty much every network-related systemctl services, and now i can start as usually, connect to internet manually as i've been doing the last half year, but can't bring it down.
fwiw, i also start ntpd.service manually. i also installed tmux recently and started playing with non-x setups, but i don't see how that would have anything to do with it. it is not starting automatically.
i disabled the testing repositories about a month ago (major downgrading, but no problems there) and am using [core] [extra] [community] [multilib] these days.
i'm confused.
any input appreciated.



edit: these systemctl outputs might be better:

$ systemctl list-units --all | grep -i netctl
netctl.service                                                            loaded inactive dead      (Re)store the netctl profile state
netctl@ppp0.service                                                  loaded active   exited    Networking for netctl profile ppp0
system-netctl.slice                                                     loaded active   active    system-netctl.slice
$ systemctl list-units --all | grep -i ppp
sys-devices-virtual-net-ppp0.device                            loaded active   plugged   /sys/devices/virtual/net/ppp0
sys-subsystem-net-devices-ppp0.device                      loaded active   plugged   /sys/subsystem/net/devices/ppp0
netctl@ppp0.service                                                  loaded active   exited    Networking for netctl profile ppp0

Last edited by ondoho (2014-01-01 21:53:01)


#2 2014-01-03 09:48:32

Registered: 2013-04-30
Posts: 692

Re: netctl: stopping ppp0 service, but connection is still up

the contents of /etc/ntctl:

ll /etc/netctl
▕ drwxr-xr-x▏root:root│27 day │   4K│examples
▕ drwxr-xr-x▏root:root│8  mon │   4K│hooks
▕ drwxr-xr-x▏root:root│8  mon │   4K│interfaces
▕ -rw-r--r--▏root:root│7  mon │ 712B│ppp0
▕ -rw-r--r--▏root:root│7  mon │ 712B│ppp1
▕ -rw-r--r--▏root:root│8  mon │ 198B│wlp

the contents of the file ppp0:

Description='Example PPP mobile connection'

# Debug pppd / chat output (separately from netctl)

# Use default route provided by the peer (default: true)
# Use DNS provided by the peer (default: true)

# The user and password are not always required
#Password='very secret'

# The access point name you are connecting to

# If your device has a PIN code, set it here. Defaults to None

# Mode can be one of 3Gpref, 3Gonly, GPRSpref, GPRSonly, None
# These only work for Huawei USB modems; all other devices should use None

# vim:ft=dosini

the contents of /etc/systemd/system/*:

ls /etc/systemd/system/*
/etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service  /etc/systemd/system/

systemd-readahead-collect.service@  systemd-readahead-replay.service@


cronie.service@  kwakd.service@


i see nothing out of the ordinary here.
i also had a look at the files /usr/lib/systemd/system/netctl@.service and /usr/lib/network/network (see first post) - i'm sure i never touched either of them and they look pretty generic to me anyway.

i am really trying to understand if the problem is with netctl, or the setup from that wiki page, i.e. pppd.
i had another look at the methods described, but nothing points to bringing the network down in any particular way.
so, afaiu, the problem is somewhere between netctl and poff --- ?

Last edited by ondoho (2014-01-03 09:49:04)


#3 2014-05-13 09:51:58

Registered: 2013-12-09
Posts: 7

Re: netctl: stopping ppp0 service, but connection is still up

Same problem here in netctl 1.6.

I'm hoping it's fixed in netctl 1.7 by "Fix pid lookup for killing pppd" at

Last edited by dizzib (2014-05-13 13:15:30)


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