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I am attempting to use the newLISP gui server for a program I want to make. I am encountering a problem.
I load the library and initialize the server:
newLISP-GS v.1.5 on Linux
double buffering supported.
listening on 47011
accepted connection from
connecting to
At this point, the program will keep retrying for a connection, and will never connect.
I tried disconnecting myself from my wifi network, as a hunch. This is where it gets weird.
newLISP-GS v.1.5 on Linux
double buffering supported.
listening on 47011
accepted connection from
connecting to
retrying to connect
retrying to connect (and then that line 20 more times)
retrying to connect
server could not connect to
This happens over the course of a few seconds. Although the connection failed, it was more output than before.
I shut off my wifi antenna, and retry.
newLISP-GS v.1.5 on Linux
double buffering supported.
listening on 47011
accepted connection from
connecting to
retrying to connect
> server connected
At this point, I can reconnect to the network, and everything will work fine.
I do not think this problem has to do with newLISP as much as it has to do with my system.
Although the default settings for GS are to use localhost, it seems to take input from
Any suggestions? Thanks.