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Hello, fellow Archers.
Not really sure what happened here... Last night I upgraded a bunch of packages, including systemd, and a couple of weird things happened this morning when I booted up. First of all, during boot my computer printed messages to the screen about what it was loading, even though I set the "quiet" kernel option. But it gets curiouser and curiouser (I was so startled I forgot my grammar), as one of the messages told me that it failed to load systemd-rfkill@rfkill0.service. I looked into it a bit, and it looks like I have three such service (rfkill0, rfkill1, and rfkill2). I have no idea what this all means. During the upgrade, I was told that changes were made in the naming scheme of network interfaces, but that I wouldn't be affected.
Here's some info, if it helps:
$ pacman -Q systemd
systemd 210-2
$ pacman -Q netctl
netctl 1.4-2
$ uname -r
So far, this doesn't seem to have affected my ability to use my computer, but I'd like to know what's going on.
Last edited by mmmm_cake (2014-05-30 20:43:57)
I'm also suffering this "issue". OK, it's not a big deal, but I'm quite curious about it. The interesting part of it is that disabling the offending systemd-rfkill@.service service has absolutely no effect: the service gets itself enabled on boot again without any user intervention.
OK, I think I have a solution for this annoyance, at least on my ASUS laptop. The problem seems to be that the asus_nb_wmi fails to be loaded sometimes, so the best is to force it to be loaded straight up from the initramfs.
First, make sure that asus_nb_wmi is loaded into your system:
# modprobe asus_nb_wmi
Check if the Wifi LED gets on. If it did, then all you need to do is to specify the asus_nb_wmi module to be included at the initramfs by including it into the MODULES line at /etc/mkinitcpio.conf:
MODULES="... asus_nb_wmi ..."
Finally, recreate initramfs:
# mkinitcpio -P
Reboot: the systemd warning should be gone now and the Wifi LED light should be working correctly.
Last edited by nvteighen (2014-05-30 19:40:35)
Fixed the problem, thanks a lot! I should have mentioned that errors didn't appear if I removed asus_nb_wmi from my /etc/modules.d/. Of course, that wasn't a viable solution because I like seeing my WiFi LED . It's so nice to be able to boot without seeing any [FAIL] messages!