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I'm encountering authentication problems with very – special symptoms:
There is a network. In this network, there is a mail setup (imap, smtp, webinterface), a VPN-server, an ssh-access.
I can work with the mail-setup via imap and smtp without any problems. However, I cannot log in via the mail's webinterface, I cannot log onto the VPN (that used to work some time ago, cannot say exactely how long as I need the VPN quite seldom), I cannot ssh the machine there and several other services and webservices do not work for me. The error is always an "authentication error", or claiming that the credentials are wrong. This is with the VPN-Client, with several browsers (for the webinterfaces), with ssh.
The login credentials are definitely correct; if I start my machine with a livesystem (tested with Fedora-Live-CD), I can log in, if I use another computer, I can log in.
A friend of mine who also uses Arch can log in from his machine (with his credentials in this case).
Every other service on the internet works fine for me, as far as I know.
I have no iptables-rules in place.
And I am out of ideas where to search for the problem. As I can log in from several machines and Live-Systems I assume that the problem is in my setup here. However, I have no idea what I changed recently that could have affected this scenario and (as I don't use these services that frequent) I'm not sure since when this problem occurs, which doesn't make debugging easier.
If anyone can provide some input what I could check or where to search, that would be very appreciated!