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Well, I don't really know, when all this happened, because I dont't use a lot my print server's web interface.
It is not a major problem I think, but it is a bit disturbing and I really don't know, what this is.
At http://myipaddress:631 I see the web administration page, but according to the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file, the /admin/conf/ section of cups is password protected.
It was usual, but lately I've noticed, that instead of the usual https://myipaddress:631/printers/myprintername it redicrects me towards some gibberish:
in a couple of seconds it results in displaying a "about:blank" page.
Have a look here:
The box has an ipv4 only adress, I've configured CUPS via the web interface, I use avahi browsing, and everything else works.
Does anyone know, what this could be?
Last edited by scar (2014-03-08 17:26:03)
“The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet.”
― William Gibson
This IPv4/v6 mix should be fixed with cups 1.7.1-4.
Checking now...
Thank you. Upgrading (and readjusting my cupsd.conf) solved it.
Last edited by scar (2014-03-08 17:25:42)
“The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet.”
― William Gibson