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I re-installed Arch a while back on my desktop, and now whenever i boot into it no1 can get IC in my house, since my housemates dont like not having IC and i have Arch on my laptop where i work (the desktop is just for fun) i just booted into windows and never looked at it again, but now i need to setup a glasfish server at home for work so i need to solve the problem.
My guess is that Arch floods the router with dhcp requests or maybe arp requests (the router sucks btw). Maybe when i get home i start whireshark to have more info, but till then i wonder if any of you guys have had any problem like this, to be honest i dont remember if i have WICD or NetworkManager sorry about the lack of info.
Please help
Thank you
Last edited by archoriano (2014-03-13 16:00:13)