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**open and close whisker menu without mouse just by entering the zone and quitting the zone.
ok i just wanted to share with you how to get the menu to open and close without the click of the mouse. whisker menu is awesome but don't come with those functionality, so you got to
click to open and to close, it's take time and energy ;-). so it's late and i will be brief. they are not the best instructions but i hope for those who can read my writing that will be enough.
Before starting you must have wmctrl, xdotool installed then...
if you got Compiz running go to the CompizConfig Settings Manager
then -> check commands <- if it's not already done
then at -> Command line 0 <- (can be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...11)
then click the tab called -> Edge Bindings
then set for -> Run command 0 for < TopLeft > (choose where you want whisker menu to open)
* make sure that you xfce4-panel touch or is at the Top Left corner *
or if you don't have compiz
in a script that you run at startup:
xdotool behave_screen_edge top-left exec xfce4-popup-whiskermenu &
first script give you a wiskermenu that open after a certain number of second...its awesome that way, believe me (the location of my menu is on the top corner (24x24).
while [[ `xdotool getmouselocation --shell | grep X | cut -d "=" -f2` -lt 32 && `xdotool getmouselocation --shell | grep Y | cut -d "=" -f2` -lt 32 && "$stayIn" -lt 6 ]]; do
sleep 0.1s
#echo "counter: " $stayIn
stayIn=`expr $stayIn + 1`
if [[ "$stayIn" -gt 4 ]]; then
exit 0
second script, would give you possibiliy to quit the menu and have this one close automatically (500x400 are the dimension of my whisker adjust in consequence)
function quit()
xdotool mousemove 12 12 click 1 mousemove restore
while [[ $quit -lt 1 ]]; do
if [ $(xdotool getmouselocation | grep " " | cut -d " " -f1 | tr -d "x:") -lt 425 ] && [ $(xdotool getmouselocation | grep " " | cut -d " " -f2 | tr -d "y:") -lt 525 ]; then
exit 0
Last edited by j2lapoin (2014-03-14 15:47:42)
Is this intended for the wiki?
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yes that would be great, was not too sure...hey i forgot to add those line too:
[ line below are the line i want to add to my post ] [myline]
Before starting you must have wmctrl, xdotool installed then...
if you got Compiz running go to the CompizConfig Settings Manager
then -> check commands <- if it's not already done
then at -> Command line 0 <- (can be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...11)
/usr/local/bin/firstStep.shthen click the tab called -> Edge Bindings
then set for -> Run command 0 for < TopLeft > (choose where you want whisker menu to open)
* make sure that you xfce4-panel touch or is at the Top Left corner *
or if you don't have compiz
in a script that you run at startup:
xdotool behave_screen_edge top-left exec xfce4-popup-whiskermenu &
I am not sure what you were reporting. Please make sure you click Quote and not Report. Report is not Reply.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !