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this is my .ssh/config - IPs have been changed
Host dog
User zidar
Port 1248
Host az
User zidar
Host mc_via_az
HostName 21:2:49:1::5
User zidar
ProxyCommand ssh az nc -q0 %h %p 2> /dev/null
Host mc_via_dog
HostName 21:2:49:1::5
User zidar
ProxyCommand ssh dog nc -q0 %h %p 2> /dev/null
Host kami
User zidar
Port 5555
ProxyCommand ssh dog -W %h:%p # this works on Dog but it's not good with ipv6 becauso of the ":"
manual ssh connections work on all machines
my problems:
ssh kami # works
ssh mc_via_az # works
ssh mc_via_dog # doesn't work and shows: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
I should mention that I can connect to each and every server there from AZ, DOG and my current pc without any proxy commands.
the only problem I have is using DOG as a proxy to an ipv6 machine. And yead ping6 also works on DOG
the main difference is that AZ is a ubuntu 12.04, while DOG is running up to date ArchLinux.
edit: solution was to use community/openbsd-netcat version of netcat.
Last edited by zidarsk8 (2014-03-22 01:56:52)
Have you checked the output of verbose mode for useful details?
ssh -vvv mc_via_dog
I did, but it didn't say anything more useful than "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"
but I did manage to get it running today.
the error was:
i installed extra/gnu-netcat instead of community/openbsd-netcat on my DOG, and it turnes out that the gnu version has a few problems with ipv6 and doesn't even support all the flags that the bsd verision has.