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#1 2014-03-23 12:09:49

From: Vinnytsya, Ukraine
Registered: 2014-03-23
Posts: 11

Access local UPNP and port forwarding while using OpenVPN

I have a laptop with Arch Linux and NetworkManager. When I connect to any wireless network I establish client OpenVPN connection to PrivateInternetAccess (my VPN provider) for privacy. SSH and Minecraft servers stop working after that. I've found some sloution for it.

But RetroShare can't forward ports with UPNP (some of my friends are behind NAT) and Tomahawk even doesn't show my friends online. Is it possible to allow access to UPNP and incoming connections on local network while using VPN's tun0 as my primary route (for email/surfing/etc) or to route RetroShare and Tomahawk bypassing VPN? I think it can be a NetworkManager.dispatcher script or something like that...

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