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So i updated Apache and PHP, and updated the Apache config removing everything i was told to (Which i believe are 5 modules) Then added in 1-2 modules after that as well as added a line to the include section (All this was from the LAMP Wiki which is where i was told to check for the new method)
When i go to localhost it shows a /srv/http as a directory instead of loading my index.php, however if i click on index.php it loads it with no issue, so PHP is fine, im just assuming Apache doesn't understand how to use PHP and i forgot a step or missed a step, i've re looked over and over and cant find anything out of place, so i just want to know if maybe there was a different document i should have read which included a step i may have missed from following the Wiki
Any suggestions are welcome
I hate systemd. <3 initscripts <3
What told you to remove 5 modules? What were the modules? Can you be little more specific?
Did you install php-apache?
Last edited by life_enjoyer (2014-03-29 02:53:06)
Make sure you have "index.php" as shown below:
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
Yea i had everything working, and with the modules i removed i actually just commented them out after the update. (Can't post till i find all my files, read below)
And where do i edit that at? I tried looking under /etc/apache/httpd.conf but /etc/apache doesn't exist.... /etc/apaghe-ant/ does however.
I'm really confused because i opened the file 2 days ago and I did a few updates since and PHP and Apache updated, so did they change the directory?
Also, i installed Apache via pacman and not AUR. I even double checked to make sure i didn't do it a few months back.
Last edited by Kitkin15 (2014-03-30 05:46:18)
I hate systemd. <3 initscripts <3
httpd.conf is in /etc/httpd not /etc/apache.
All men have stood for freedom...
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.
The full path to the file is: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf