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#1 2014-05-08 23:23:25

Registered: 2014-04-12
Posts: 74

Cryptsetup mounts on boot - any gui?

I have a volume which I need mounted on boot by prompting me for a password, which works using /etc/crypttab solution - it's not what I am looking to fix wink

The problem is that systemd loads a bunch of stuff on boot, it is almost impossible to see the prompt, it's overwritten by a bunch of lines from other daemons. And when I enter the password, it's like I'm typing into nowhere - it is impossible to see if it mounted encrypted volume or not, because there's so much text on top of that.

Is there some sort of package I could load so that it prompts for password for crypto drives in some sort of UI, like ubuntu does? What I'm trying to achieve here is some sort of feedback - so that I see "mounting crypto disk,enger password here", and when I type in password, i wanna see the *** characters appearing, and when I mistype - so that I get a feedback, something like "wrong password, try again" - not a bunch of lines from other daemons and me guessing that I mistyped because gdm isn't loading for too long


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