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I am currently trying to move my network to ipv6. My DSL-Provider already provides me an IPv6 prefix (dynamic that is, unfortunately) and I would like to use this via DHCP. I have two machines in my network which do run nearly 24/7 and both are running ArchLinux and the network is handled by netctl.
Up until now, I have a netctl-profile, which assigns a static IPv4 Adress for each to the specified network device. Now I have added
in the netctl profile, but this brings up an error in the journal
dhclient[5952]: Can't bind to dhcp address: Cannot assign requested address
dhclient[5952]: Please make sure there is no other dhcp server
dhclient[5952]: running and that there's no entry for dhcp or
dhclient[5952]: bootp in /etc/inetd.conf. Also make sure you
dhclient[5952]: are not running HP JetAdmin software, which
dhclient[5952]: includes a bootp server.
dhclient[5952]: If you think you have received this message due to a bug rather
dhclient[5952]: than a configuration issue please read the section on submitting
dhclient[5952]: bugs on either our web page at or in the README file
dhclient[5952]: before submitting a bug. These pages explain the proper
dhclient[5952]: process and the information we find helpful for debugging..
dhclient[5952]: exiting.
network[5527]: DHCP IPv6 lease attempt failed on interface 'enp0s25'
network[5527]: Failed to bring the network up for profile 'ethernet-static'
systemd[1]: netctl@ethernet\x2dstatic.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
systemd[1]: Failed to start A basic static ethernet connection.
systemd[1]: Unit netctl@ethernet\x2dstatic.service entered failed state.
Thats quite some "red" lines in my journal now ;-( And the network interface does not come up and stays in stated down. Very bad.
To fix this, I have already asked my preferred Search-Engine, but to no avail. I came up with the following netctl profile to avoid this problem:
## for IPv6
ExecUpPost='dhclient -6 || true'
Unfortunately this does not solve the problem at all, but at least starts the interface and the machine is connected to my LAN.
Any help on this one? Probably I am missing something? Could I handle this whole issue without dhclient?
To be honest, I am pretty new to IPv6, so could be that this is a real NOOB question, but...
Any help is appreciated.
Last edited by triplem (2014-05-23 16:37:27)
well actually, i came across a similar problem. ended up using wide-dhcpv6 to do the job, here is my thread about it
Last edited by train_wreck (2014-05-22 05:54:01)
Thanks for your reply, but I guess this is more of a router problem. Me is having this issue on a "server".
I just did some more research, and found another dhcp server (using nmap) on my network. This is a DLAN module and I cannot turn off or disable this one, unfortunately. Could be that this one is the problem? Unsure about this one. I just added the IPv4 adress of this thing to the "reject" line of my dhclient.conf. The dhclient.conf looks like
send host-name = pick-first-value(gethostname(), "zeus");
send dhcp-client-identifier 1:0:a0:24:ab:fb:9c;
send dhcp-lease-time 3600;
supersede domain-search "";
prepend domain-name-servers;
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;
require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;
timeout 60;
retry 60;
reboot 10;
select-timeout 5;
initial-interval 2;
reject 192.168.xx.xx;
Anyways, starting the netctl profile with only IPv4 and running
dhclient -6 -v
manually afterwards did the trick.
I definitly would like to automate this, though.
Last edited by triplem (2014-05-22 19:55:21)
Could I handle this whole issue without dhclient?
If you router supports SLAAC (StateLess Address AutoConfiguration) then: yes.
In the profile:
Thanks for the hint ;-)
Works now like a charm. On my Fritz Box 7390 I had to configure IP6 to use Fritz Box as the DHCPv6 server and just assign only the DNS-Server to clients.
Now my server gets the ipv6 prefix from the Fritz Box ;-)