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After running a pacman update today, my wireless card is no longer being detected. 'ip link' and 'iw dev' show no sign of it. My ethernet port is detected just fine.
I downgraded linux and systemd with no luck, thinking that they were the most likely culprits. Also, I dealt with the new /etc/passwd.pacnew and /etc/group.pacnew files created by the filesystem upgrade and ran the syslinux-install_update script to go along with the new version of syslinux. Besides a new mirrorlist, these were the only special cases pacman warned about when upgrading.
Here are the packages that were upgraded. I apologize for the long list but I'm finding myself out of options after several hours of struggling with this. Maybe somebody will see something I'm missing.
readline (6.3.005-1 -> 6.3.006-1)
bash (4.3.011-1 -> 4.3.018-1)
cairo (1.12.16-1 -> 1.12.16-2)
cpupower (3.14-2 -> 3.14-3)
e2fsprogs (1.42.9-2 -> 1.42.10-1)
gcc-libs (4.9.0-2 -> 4.9.0-3)
libtasn1 (3.4-1 -> 3.6-1)
gnutls (3.3.2-1 -> 3.3.4-1)
x264 (1:142.20140311-1 -> 1:142.20140311-4)
xvidcore (1.3.2-3 -> 1.3.3-1)
ffmpeg (1:2.2.2-3 -> 1:2.2.3-1)
filesystem (2013.05-2 -> 2014.05-2)
gcc (4.9.0-2 -> 4.9.0-3)
libx11 (1.6.2-1 -> 1.6.2-2)
gdk-pixbuf2 (2.30.7-1 -> 2.30.8-1)
perl (5.18.2-2 -> 5.20.0-2)
openssl (1.0.1.g-1 -> 1.0.1.h-1)
git (1.9.3-1 -> 2.0.0-1)
gnupg (2.0.22-2 -> 2.0.23-1)
gpgme (1.4.3-1 -> 1.5.0-1)
imagemagick ( ->
inputproto (2.3-1 -> 2.3.1-1)
lib32-gcc-libs (4.9.0-2 -> 4.9.0-3)
libcups (1.7.2-1 -> 1.7.3-3)
libproxy (0.4.11-2 -> 0.4.11-3)
libsystemd (212-3 -> 213-5)
libxcursor (1.1.14-1 -> 1.1.14-2)
linux (3.14.4-1 -> 3.14.5-1)
linux-headers (3.14.4-1 -> 3.14.5-1)
man-pages (3.67-1 -> 3.68-1)
mpfr (3.1.2.p5-1 -> 3.1.2.p8-1)
pacman-mirrorlist (20140405-1 -> 20140531-1)
perl-xml-parser (2.41-4 -> 2.41-5)
python-setuptools (3.6-1 -> 4.0.1-1)
python2 (2.7.6-3 -> 2.7.7-1)
rxvt-unicode-terminfo (9.20-1 -> 9.20-2)
rxvt-unicode (9.20-1 -> 9.20-2)
seabios ( -> 1.7.5-1)
shared-mime-info (1.2-2 -> 1.3-1)
syslinux (6.02-8 -> 6.03pre12-3)
systemd (212-3 -> 213-5)
systemd-sysvcompat (212-3 -> 213-5)
transmission-cli (2.83-2 -> 2.83-3)
tzdata (2014c-1 -> 2014d-1)
xkeyboard-config (2.11-2 -> 2.12-1)
Last edited by zcal (2014-06-07 06:26:59)
What card and driver do you have? Does it require a specific module and is that succesfully loaded?
It's a Realtek 8192SE. The kernel module (included) is rtl8192se. It's not loading automatically on boot. I can modprobe it, but I still can't find the wireless card after doing so.
It may have died, is it an old card?
I was thinking the same thing, but it was working just fine until I ran those upgrades. Seems like too much of a coincidence. It's only as old as the laptop; 2010.
Yes, but there is no established causal link. The only package that is likely to be related to such an issue is the kernel, and you have ruled that out by downgrading.
I don't have any other suggestions, sorry.
I'll see if I can't concoct any further course of action this weekend when I get some time. Thanks for looking.
I'll ask the standard issue questions. Did you perform a partial upgrade? If so, perform a pacman -Syu and try again.
Also, is the running kernel the same kernel that is installed? Compare the versions provided by uname -a and pacman -Qi linux and ensure they are exactly they are exactly the same revision.
Last edited by ewaller (2014-06-06 23:26:35)
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Try running another OS, even from a LiveCD. If the wireless works...
I performed a full upgrade in the first place and did confirm that the running kernel is the installed one.
I booted Arch from a year-old disc and couldn't bring up the wifi. Same result with Crunchbang's LiveCD. This does appear to be a hardware issue. :(
I'm marking this as solved.
Last edited by zcal (2014-06-07 06:29:46)