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I've decided to move away from storing passwords in programs like browsers and Email Clients in favor of pass.
The program works great and I like the simplicity of it. I then decided to use it with my browsers (Firefox, Chromium) and email client (Thunderbird) but every time I put the address of say it fails to log me in with the message:
Can't access to your password.
Please add your passphrase to gpg-agent first.
So ... I added "pinentry-program /usb/bin/pinentry-qt4" to my ~/.password-store/; but it totally ignores it.
I read in this blog that the above should be a valid solution but not for me
Looking through the options here seems that the option I used should be valid.
If anyone in the forums is successfully using pass with Firefox/Chromium and/or Thunderbid I'd appreciate some advice.
Moderator: If this topic belongs in a more appropriate place please move it. I could not find a "better" place for the topic
Last edited by ralvez (2014-06-08 01:16:26)
This is the right spot...
Isn't the 'pinentry-program' variable supposed to be defined in .gpg-agent.conf and the environment written to
Thanks for your reply.
I do not have a .gpg-agent.conf
I created one in .password-store/.gpg-agent.conf but to no avail.
Should I create it somewhere else?
Mine is in ~/.gnupg/ but I don't have a DE or use pass; I use it for keychain to manage my gpg and ssh keys. On the other hand, it does work well.
Mine is in ~/.gnupg/ but I don't have a DE or use pass; I use it for keychain to manage my gpg and ssh keys. On the other hand, it does work well.
Well ... I'm the kind of guy that likes a challenge. After all I use Arch
Well, after googling about this problem, I think that although my installation did not include the .gpg-agent.conf it should have it.
I also found that is should reside in ~/.gpg-agent.conf
Now, I have it there ... but no joy bummer!!
If I'm reading this correctly, the problem lies with gpg-agent and not pass. Is that right? Have you set up GPG already (added a key and what-not)? Is ~/.password-store/.gpg-id present? You say that pass works great unless you use it with your browser, but then if you aren't using it with your browser already, how do you know it works? How are you trying to use it?
Yup, you read it right.
The problem seems to be the gpg-agent. Pass works like a charm. I can store and recall passwords at will in the CLI but if I use Firefox and want to log in at I get the
pinagent-qt to complain that I need to "add your passphrase to gpg-agent first".
The way it currently works is "manually" by: pass site/id -c (the -c argument to put the password in memory) so I can go to a website and type my user and paste the password.
But there is a better way. In FF there is a plugin that will automate the process. You may have seen the plugin, if you use pass, because the developer of pass has a link to it. It reads the userid/password based on the site URI and automates the process.
That fails.
The error seems to indicate that something cannot be read or that I'm missing some configuration.
ralvez, I've played around a bit with that Firefox plugin and haven't been able to get it working. It will show me one of my stored passwords, allow me to select it, then tell me it doesn't exist despite showing it to me. Strange. None of the passwords for any of my accounts have worked, so I'm afraid I won't be any help to you. The plugin is still considered a beta release, so you might consider contacting the maintainer and report the issue.
Yup. Same here.
That's as far s I got too. I guess I'll have to let it go for now. Nice idea, great concept ... if it worked
I very much appreciate the effort you put to help. Very kind of you.
Well, after googling about this problem, I think that although my installation did not include the .gpg-agent.conf it should have it.
I also found that is should reside in ~/.gpg-agent.confNow, I have it there ... but no joy
As far as I could tell when setting up pass, you have to create your own gpg-agent.conf and according to the man page it has to be ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf by default. This might not help you with the Firefox plugin though.
Yes. I did all that. I found the same info as you did somewhere with Google.
Appreciate your help.