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Graysky made me an AUR module with source code from GitHub. The device works on Debian with that same code.
So, module 8192du is loaded. But the link will not actually come up and connect:
systemctl status network-wireless@wlp0s26u1u3.service
* network-wireless@wlp0s26u1u3.service - Wireless network connectivity (wlp0s26u1u3)
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/network-wireless@.service; enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2014-06-12 19:11:29 CDT; 47min ago
Process: 338 ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -B -i %i -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-%i.conf (code=exited, status=255)
Process: 318 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i up (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 338 (code=exited, status=255)
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 wpa_supplicant[338]: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 wpa_supplicant[338]: nl80211: Could not configure driver mode
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 wpa_supplicant[338]: wlp0s26u1u3: Failed to initialize driver interface
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 systemd[1]: network-wireless@wlp0s26u1u3.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 systemd[1]: Failed to start Wireless network connectivity (wlp0s26u1u3).
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 systemd[1]: Unit network-wireless@wlp0s26u1u3.service entered failed state.
From journalctl:
wpa_supplicant[338]: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
wpa_supplicant[338]: nl80211: Could not configure driver mode
wpa_supplicant[338]: wlp0s26u1u3: Failed to initialize driver interface
systemd[1]: network-wireless@wlp0s26u1u3.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
systemd[1]: Failed to start Wireless network connectivity (wlp0s26u1u3).
Unit network-wireless@wlp0s26u1u3.service entered failed state.
Description=Wireless network connectivity (%i)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i up
ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -B -i %i -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-%i.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip addr add ${address}/${netmask} broadcast ${broadcast} dev %i
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip route add default via ${gateway}
ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip addr flush dev %i
ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i down
ssid="Tim's Wi-Fi Network"
I have been looking at these things for hours, and I finally think I have everything straight. But it won't connect. In the failure messages, the thing that stands out to me is the part about the nl80211 driver mode. But I tried using the alternate wpa_supplicant systemd nl80211 service file, and it did not help. Can anyone see what is wrong? More info can be provided on request.
Last edited by ratcheer (2014-06-13 01:01:34)
No idea, but have you tried netctl? Seems much simpler to me…
Jun 12 19:11:29 Arch20140513 wpa_supplicant[338]: nl80211: Could not configure driver mode
This is the relevant error. It seems that these cards no longer work with wpa_supplicant (at least not after 2.0-4).
I'm still trying to get my EW-7811Un (RTL8188CUS) to work with a later version using n180211.
Try using the wext driver: it may work for that card.