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Here at the office we have an Ethernet connection that uses Static IP. I configured it correctly using the nm-applet and NetworkManager in Cinnamon but Pacman is now giving me an error and it doesn't download any packages. The error is a timeout and can't connect to any server,
In other applications such as Firefox, internet works fine, only pacman not liking Static IP.
I googled "pacman static IP timeout" and found this solved thread on these forums as the very first result.
Have you read this?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I already read that. In the case of that thread, he was using dhcpcd and I use NetworkManager. The Static IP configurations files are located in different places and I can't find where they are and what to do to make Pacman accept them.
Could you post (or Duck the exact error that you get? The essence of the solution Trilby posted was about DNS settings, and from your description I can't read if that's where the time out errors come from.