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i went through the active directory integration instructions on the wiki … ntegration to get my work laptop onto our windows domain. It works. But when i reboot, the laptop doesn't automatically reconnect to the domain. It hangs until i drop to a terminal, log in as a local user and manually reset a bunch of stuff. I have to
* ask for a new kerbose ticket
* restart nmbd, samba and winbindd
Once, i've done that, the rest of the service seem to un-hang and keep moving, getting me to the ui.
Question is, how do I automatically renew the kerbose tickets on boot. I think if i did this ahead of systemctl trying to start the other services, everything else would probably go smooth.
May be if you use a script to do the job?
Something like
# Start nmbd, samba and winbindd |
# Find if services are running
NMBD_RUNNING=`pgrep -c nmbd`;
SMBRUNNING=`pgrep -c samba`;
WINBRUNNING=`pgrep -c winbindd`;
function run_nmbd(){
if [ $NMBD_RUNNING == 1 ]; then
kdialog --title "NMBD is running" --passivepopup "Firefox is running ..." 5
function run_samba(){
if [ $SBMRUNNING == 1 ]; then
kdialog --title "Samba is running" --passivepopup "Thunderbird is running ..." 5
So the idea here would be that you test to see if the app is running. If it it not start it else just ignore or notify you with a pop-up that is running.
Hope this helps.
cool. thats a great idea. i can pretty easily add a check for the kerbose ticket too. Then i just add this as a systemctl service and run at boot time?
I suppose you can use it in different ways.
For instance, I use that technique in a headless server to connect external HDDs (the backup drives) via @reboot with cron.
I also use that in my home machine to start FF and Thunderbird via ~/.kde4/Autostart ( I use KDE ).
So you can apply your ideas to it and go with it.
Good luck!!