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#1 2014-07-05 18:45:11

Registered: 2014-07-05
Posts: 2

Can xBox 360 stream video from an Arch box?

When I had a Windows PC forever ago, I was able to connect it to my xbox and the xbox could stream video from Windows Media Center. I now want to do the same thing with my arch box and my xbox. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps network storage?


#2 2014-07-10 09:25:40

Registered: 2014-07-09
Posts: 38

Re: Can xBox 360 stream video from an Arch box?

I think it could be possible in the eventuality that Microsoft's XBox understands DLNA, SSH and FISH, in that case you could use miniDLNA and the autoconfig available in the AUR or create a network folder you can remotly access, otherwise I can't help you much, I guess it will depend on the protocol used to do what you previously explained. Maybe using a network storage but I think you should take a look at XBox related forums and in particular the Linux support it offers for such options on your device.

Last edited by sugartest (2014-07-10 11:47:17)

An Arch Linux enthousiast and a Linux fan in general, mostly interrested in command line use, security issues, code learning and networks.


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