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Hello guys,
Just out of curiosity, is there any way how to configure static ipv6 address within dhcpcd config file? For ipv4 one can add extra lines to dhcpcd.conf:
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Anyway, I have no idea how to make this working for ipv6, is it even possible?
(I know I could use systemd-networkd or netctl or just ip instead.)
English isn't my first language.
Is Arch Linux user called archer? Where are our bows and arrows?
Currently this is not possible with dhcpcd. You are the second person to ask for this, but I must ask why you need it?
If it's to shorten an IPV6 address to make it easier to remember, please consider mDNS instead!
Wow, that was quick. Thank you for your response. It's more about me being curious, I don't need it from dhcpcd per se, I just want to switch from netctl, and I wouldn't be mad if it gets implemented one day
English isn't my first language.
Is Arch Linux user called archer? Where are our bows and arrows?