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Here's the error message from terminal:
└─ compton -b --config ~/.config/compton.conf
zsh: segmentation fault compton -b --config ~/.config/compton.conf
Any compton user can confirm this with Xorg 1.16?
Edit: mpv too.
Last edited by serdotlinecho (2014-07-22 02:26:54)
You should probably specify what version of compton you are using. I have the git version and it seems to have started just fine.
Edit: mpv seems to be working fine for me as well...
Last edited by WonderWoofy (2014-07-19 05:27:56)
X server is start from virtual console tty1, i3wm.
pacman -Q xorg-server intel-dri
xorg-server 1.16.0-2
intel-dri 10.2.3-2
compton --version
And compton is start from i3 config
exec --no-startup-id compton
using ~/.config/compton.conf
And my xinitrc
if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
[ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
unset f
xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local
xset +fp $HOME/.local/share/fonts
xset fp rehash
# load up Xresources
xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
# start some nice program
urxvtd -q -o -f &
# start gnome Keyring
eval $(/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=gpg,pkcs11,secrets,ssh)
case $1 in
exec cinnamon-session
exec gnome-session
xautolock &
exec i3
Last edited by serdotlinecho (2014-07-19 12:23:15)
I'm having this problem too, with glxgears too, or llpp or mpv.
Only on an intel integrated video card (on the other laptop with an ati card everything is fine).
hi, for me is fine too, I use mpv-git and I have an ATI RadeonHD with radeonsi driver. Probably you need to rebuild mpv and compton ?
KF5 & Plasma5 (git versions) - Awesome WM
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX - AMD FX8350 - ATI Radeon HD 7970
[testing] repo
Offline I said, on my laptop with ati card everything is fine. While on the netbook with intel integrated card, it doesn't work. Btw i tried to build llpp again, but it doesn't work.
If you're using the Intel i915 driver, then have a look at this bug report:
Thank you very much kinodont. Added my vote to the bug report!
Thanks, kinodont. Right now, I've downgraded back to xorg 1.15. I'll wait for the patches.
Okay, so while compton, mpv, and everything else seems to run on my machine, 1.16 makes everything have a kind of brief delay. It kind of makes it feel like I am back on rotational drives.
I have a machine with an Intel IVB processor/graphics. Hopefully this gets worked out soon.
mpv runs fine on my machine. Also nothing seems to be delayed. Everything works as expected. That's with nvidia-304xx and Gnome 3.12.
After the mesa update, things seem to be running normally now for me. Yay!
@WonderWoofy, on your Intel IVB machine? I have latest compton-git and mesa 10.2.4-1 and still cannot run. mpv cannot play video on my netbook Intel i915 driver, only audio.
Yeah, my machine is a Thinkpad E430 with a 3210-M. Things seem to work just fine.
@nierro can you confirm this on your netbook?
Last edited by serdotlinecho (2014-07-21 03:21:29)
I'm on latest mesa and mpv /glxgears etc etc, still won't run...
I'm on latest mesa and mpv /glxgears etc etc, still won't run...
What card are you on? Do you use radeon, intel or nouveau? I'm having no such problem with nouveau and nvidia blob. Have tried backtracing these applications?
As i said before, the netbook with intel card (i915) isn't working, while on the main laptop (radeon) everything is fine.
Solved. @nierro, upgrade to xf86-video-intel 2.99.912-4.
[2014-07-22 10:22] [PACMAN] upgraded xf86-video-intel (2.99.912-2 -> 2.99.912-4)
Last edited by serdotlinecho (2014-07-22 02:25:28)
Yes, I've seen! Thank you!
And thanks devs!
Solved. @nierro, upgrade to xf86-video-intel 2.99.912-4.
[2014-07-22 10:22] [PACMAN] upgraded xf86-video-intel (2.99.912-2 -> 2.99.912-4)
Interesting that xf86-video-intel needs a "disable dri3" patch to work correctly with xorg-server 1.16.0. … d538e35b42
With so many Intel people working on X and other devs using Intel graphics you'd think they'd catch something like this before releasing 1.16.0.
With so many Intel people working on X and other devs using Intel graphics you'd think they'd catch something like this before releasing 1.16.0.
is still in [testing] repo and is exactly for that than [testing] exist, I though.... to report if a specific config have problems
KF5 & Plasma5 (git versions) - Awesome WM
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX - AMD FX8350 - ATI Radeon HD 7970
[testing] repo
blackout23 wrote:With so many Intel people working on X and other devs using Intel graphics you'd think they'd catch something like this before releasing 1.16.0.
is still in [testing] repo and is exactly for that than [testing] exist, I though.... to report if a specific config have problems
I was talking about upstream. For them Intel Graphics wasn't just some exotic config it probably was their main development plattform.
Last edited by blackout23 (2014-07-23 04:01:46)