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I have no idea what kind of updates I did that fixes this, but I really like it! Could it be rxvt?
Notice that the non-active window becomes a bit darker.
Sounds like something that has to do with your window manager. In KDE/Kwin, inactive windows become darker as an effect. Not sure what you're using exactly, but WM would be my first bet.
urxvt does have settings for this either with the command line or x resources option "fade" and "fadecolor".
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Sounds like something that has to do with your window manager. In KDE/Kwin, inactive windows become darker as an effect. Not sure what you're using exactly, but WM would be my first bet.
I'm using i3wm, but other windows isn't grayed out.
urxvt does have settings for this either with the command line or x resources option "fade" and "fadecolor".
Ah, of course! I did some changes to .Xresources recently, but didn't restart existing terminals.