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#1 2014-07-31 02:17:16

Registered: 2014-07-31
Posts: 1

hostapd management frame injection

I am doing some experiements on hostapd and need to inject some management frames to the hostapd. However, I cannot figure out a way to inject mangement frame into my wifi interface.

I use mac80211_hwsim to simulate a wifi radio on my PC, and started hostapd on that virtual interface created by hwsim module. My hostapd is v2.0 so it did not create any monitor interface to receive and forward management frames (hostapd v2.0 "replace monitor interface with nl80211 commands"). Right now I don't know how to inject management frames to the hostapd without that monitor interface created by hostapd.

I tried forwarding some management frames on to the interface that hostapd is running on. I also tried to bring up a monitor interface (using aircrack-ng and iw) and inject management frames into that interface. Both did not work as I receive no response from the hostapd.

Any help would be appreciated.


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