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Hi, I am new to Arch linux and this is my first post. I have set up a Raspberry Pi so that when it boots it connects using openvpn to a remote server. This works perfects on boot up every time. However if I disconnect the network cable to the Pi and reconnect, to give a comms failure, openvpn will keep trying to connect but fails to find the remote server (TLS handskake error). If I restart openvpn it reconnects. I think the reason my have something to do with the fact that after the comms drop, the Pi reconnects to the local router and is available on the local network but it still has its tun0 interface and the big routing table give by openvpn. It cannot find anything on the internet either by ip or name.
Is there any way to get systemd to give a "clean" start to networking and openvpn following a comms failure?