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I install pam_usb by yaourt.When I run command "pamusb-conf --add-device myusbdevice" by root, the screen shows
[root@home system]# pamusb-conf --add-device myusbdevice
Please select the device you wish to add.
* Using "General USB Flash Disk (025239000000065F)" (only option)
Which volume would you like to use for storing data ?
0) /dev/sdb1 (UUID: 0c1250fb-9b2f-444c-aafe-fdf068b06812)
1) /dev/sdb2 (UUID: <UNDEFINED>)
2) /dev/sdb5 (UUID: 8B56-144D)
[0-2]: 0
Name : myusbdevice
Vendor : General
Model : USB Flash Disk
Serial : 025239000000065F
UUID : 0c1250fb-9b2f-444c-aafe-fdf068b06812
Save to /etc/pamusb.conf ?
[Y/n] y
Unable to read /etc/pamusb.conf: not well-formed (invalid token): line 43, column 52
Please tell me why.
Last edited by zuoziqi (2014-09-27 02:56:17)
Unable to read /etc/pamusb.conf: not well-formed (invalid token): line 43, column 52
Anything else we can help you with?
The problem has been solved. The pamusb.conf file has some mistakes.I will report it to AUR soon.Thanks
zuoziqi, it looks like you hit 'report' instead of quote or reply:
thanks.The problem has been solved.I replace the "pamusb.conf"file in /etc with the same file I get from the sourceforge website and now it works.I will report the problem to AUR
If the issue is solved, please edit your first post to prepend "[SOLVED]" to the title.
EDIT: oops - too slow, crossposted with the above.
Last edited by Trilby (2014-09-27 00:02:50)
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