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#1 2014-09-27 16:31:33

Registered: 2014-09-27
Posts: 2

Setting up permanent static bridged network on a VM using networkd?

I am able to configure my guest VM network just fine with the following commands:

ip addr add x.x.x.x/32 dev eth0      ## failover-ip with mask
ip route add y.y.y.y dev eth0        ## gateway-address(same gateway address as the physical host that's running the guest VMs
ip route add 0/0 via y.y.y.y dev eth 0

I am all new to archlinux, so I am struggling to make the above config persistant config, which would auto-load on boot-up/network service restart. I've been trying to achive this with netctl bridge profile, though with little luck. Is there anyone who could show me how it's done with for example netctl profile?

Here's how it's done on other distros, just to enlighten why I'm trying to do such a config on my guest VMs.

Last edited by NiceVirtualization (2014-09-27 23:42:39)


#2 2014-09-27 23:42:07

Registered: 2014-09-27
Posts: 2

Re: Setting up permanent static bridged network on a VM using networkd?

Well I managed to add the routes with IPCustom=() -option. However this is rather ugly way of managing the network. While searching for the answer I found out that systemd networkd would be a better option for my needs than using netctl. I tried configuring the network with networkd, but failed to do so. Hence I'm changing my question into how can I achieve the same setup with networkd?


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