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Hi there
I've been using Arch for several years now and I've never encountered such a strange issue like this one.
The title is a bit uninformative so let me explain:
I've been using this same WiFi Access Point for years now, never had a problem with it (except for unrelated ISP issues of course).
Now since a couple of weeks I've been getting random disconnects from this access point (using netctl) and when trying to reconnect I will see that the AP doesn't even show up on the list (using wifi-menu).
The only thing that magically seems to work is turning off the WLAN Router and letting it cool down a bit before plugging it back in. No solution there because it happens at random time intervals (can be hours, days..) - like my infinite lease expires.
Now here's the twist: I've backed up my entire disk with Arch yesterday and did a fresh reinstall (finally got a UEFI MB) - the Live CD has absolutely no problems seeing the SSID (which is broadcasted) and connecting to it, I installed the system and booted into it without a problem. Only to see that in the installed OS it wouldn't see the AP again!
I rebooted onto the Live CD couple of times just to check that it can still connect, I copied the wpa_supplicant.conf file from the Live CD to my system as well (has couple of different settings I've never bothered dealing with but I figured I might as well try that) - to no avail.
Every other device has no problems connecting to it, even my Windows installation on the same machine did not have these issues (I can't boot into that installation anymore since, you know, doesn't like MBR with UEFI).
Any help guiding me into the right direction is greatly appreciated.
PS: Using a D-Link DWA-556 (PCI-E). Router is a D-Link DIR-655, n300.
I'm also not using the latest Live CD but I forgot to label it, although it is newer than 2013-09.
When booted to your installed system, what is the output of systemctl --no-pager status ?
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Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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I can't paste it from my output but I scratched together the significant services:
netctl@wlp5s0\x2myssid.service loaded failed failed Some description
There's no DHCPD running whatsoever, no other failed services either.
journalctl output:
WPA association/authentication failed for interface wlp5s0
Failed to bring the network up for profile 'wlp5s0-myssid'
This issue still persists unfortunately.
Assuming you're at a command prompt can you tell us which network connection software you're using? Networkd/systemd or netctl or other? Are you certain you have all of the apps installed that you need to run a wifi connection (I've done this and it's been an embarassing "AHA!" moment in the past )? Is your wifi connection actually UP if you do an "ip addr (add your wifi nic here if you like)"? Any relevant errors? If you run "wifi-menu" (if you need to install it do so along with the "dialog" utility) what happens?
Need more info please!