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I have a problem with my trying to login on my laptop to my work vpn. I was given from my work, the vpn's ip address, the psk, my username, and password for the vpn. I feel like I am hitting a brick wall and makes me just want to forget it all together... I can get in with my info on this same laptop on the same connection at my apartment from my windows 8.1 partition just fine. I have also verified and triple checked all my vpn information required. I also don't know but I think have it setup to use PAP, MS CHAP, or MS CHAP v2.. Any help I would be greatly appreciated. Pretty much the way my VPN for my work works is you have to VPN on L2TP over IPSEC with a username and password and a psk to allow you to remote desktop to my desktop at work. Really wish this could work as I am tired of supporting windows at home when I pretty much only use it to VPN into work when I have to get work done...
pacman -Q openswan
openswan 2.6.41-1
pacman -Q xl2tpd
xl2tpd 1.3.6-1
uname -a
Linux tux 3.17.1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Oct 15 15:04:35 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Now I have all the configs setup below following the L2TP/IPsec VPN client setup arch wiki page and I keep getting this:
ipsec auto --up <vpn connection name>
022 "<vpn connection name>": We cannot identify ourselves with either end of this connection.
my process to run the vpn connection:
sudo systemctl start openswan
sudo systemctl start xl2tpd
ipsec auto --up <vpn connection name>
echo "c <vpn connection name>" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
how I added my vpn connection:
sudo ipsec auto --add <vpn connection name>
; listen-addr = <my ip address>
debug avp = no
debug network = no
debug packet = no
debug state = no
debug tunnel = no
[lac <vpn connection name>]
lns = <vpn ip address>
pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/<vpn connection name>.options.xl2tpd
length bit = no
redial = no
/etc/ppp/<vpn connection name>.options.xl2tpd
idle 72000
asyncmap 0
ipparam L2tpIPsecVpn-<vpn connection name>
promptprog "/usr/bin/L2tpIPsecVpn"
remotename ""
name "<vpn username>"
password <vpn password>
%any @<vpn ip address>: PSK <psk key here>
Last edited by adramalech (2014-10-25 04:53:46)