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I prefer CLI or curses-based network managers. In the past I used wicd-cli but started having problems with it taking over my wired connection (it wanted to assign it an IP, whether it was hooked to a cable or not). So I kept looking around and finally found wifi-menu, with which I've been quite happy. But now wifi-menu is no longer in Arch and I'm going to have to find an alternative on the installation of Arch I've got on this laptop (2 or 3 years old now).
I prefer the semi-automated function of curses clients as opposed to doing networking directly from the command line--though I've done plenty of the latter. Can anyone offer, in light of the above, recommendations for a replacement wifi connection manager?
I haven't really used it so I cannot comment, but NetworkManager comes with nmcli, a simple command-line cliente to interact with it. I am not sure if it allows full control over NetworkManager, though.
...But now wifi-menu is no longer in Arch and I'm going to have to find an alternative on the installation of Arch I've got on this laptop (2 or 3 years old now)....
ewaller$@$odin ~ [1]1005 %pacman -Qo wifi-menu
/usr/bin/wifi-menu is owned by netctl 1.9-1
ewaller$@$odin ~ 1006 %
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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