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Hi i have just installed tor browser from AUR, and im surprised to see that it doesn't come with vidalia bundled. It used to be like this in the old tor-browser packages. Vidalia is in the official repos, but it seems to install another tor. So i ca run vidalia and starts another tor tor instance. If i configure vidalia to dont start Tor, then vidalia doesn't recognize the tor proxy opened with the tor-browser.
How do i solve this?? i would like to manage the tor-browser with vidalia.
Last edited by hydrosIII (2014-11-21 06:37:16)
You probably don't have to use a tor-featured-browser, am I understanding right?
You should configure in your ordinary browser the correct proxy port 9051 (I can't remember the port) for those kind of protocols you like (e.g. http https)
See details here.
do it good first, it will be faster than do it twice the saint
No, wait, that is not the issue, i know how to do that. I want to use the tor browser, because of its extra security measures, I dont want to point my regular browser to the tor proxy.
In previous versions of tor browser vidalia came bundled inside the tor browser package giving the ability for changing tor output nodes. I want this funcionality back. I have already read the wiki.
Is there any way to configure vidalia to recognize and manage the tor proxy opened by the tor browser???
Last edited by hydrosIII (2014-11-20 09:48:34)
I just suppose that tor-browser is closed on its own. That's why had particular security.
If you read the details you'll discover this. So at the end of the day is discouraged to use Vidalia.
Last edited by TheSaint (2014-11-20 09:55:13)
do it good first, it will be faster than do it twice the saint
Hi, ok i have read that. Fussing a little bit more with the new tor browser, i saw that now the browser has some built-in functionality that previously was managed by vidalia. So I think maybe everything is better now. I was just confused because of the changes.
I miss the pretty map, but it is ok, i will use the browser as it is.
You don't need Tor Browser from AUR, the one at is a portable app and runs fine on Arch - I use it:
It is actually the same package, look at the sources. I just like to keep everything i install tracked with pacman.