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I had some issues with XFCE4 after upgarding to xorg 7. Xfce was very slow to start and would not quit without a hard kill (ctrl-alt-backspace). I noticed an error regarding ICE Authentication when XFCE was starting and learned that it could not find iceauth which was hardcoded in xfce4 to /usr/X11R6/bin/iceauth. I created a symlink to the new location /usr/bin/iceauth and all is working well now. I suspect this will be fixed in the next release of xfce4.
Actually, it is already fixed in Xfce4-svn.
Are you using xfce4-session 4.2.3-2 ?
jep same problem here with xfce 4.2.3-2
it takes a long time to start and shutdown the xfce session
pacman -Sy xfce4-session gives:
xfce4-session-4.2.3-1: is up to date
I'm using which was sync'd with on Tue Feb 21 02:03:00 2006, according to
I will try and download -2 manually later to see if fixes the problem.
Try the svn version from shadowhands repo.
Server =
I just installed it 1/2 hr ago and it is running great.
There doesnt seem to a vast improvements.
But it does include thunar!!!!!
xfce4-svn gives me some problems now. xfce4 from extra repo works fine, but xfce4-svn is acting really wacky for me. For example, mouse cursor is big fat X, like the original X server cursor, plus right click on desktop doesn't work. So it seems like only parts of xfce4-svn are working for me. I don't know what the issue is, I tinkered around for a bit, but I couldn't figure out, so I just said screw it and now using stock xfce4 from extra. I think I'll leave it at that for now. It does the job, minus a few fancy stuff, but least it's stable. Hopefully things get gradually resolved soon.
*edit* Found it... I was missing libxdamage. Too many components to keep up with now :?
danns (or anyone else) - go svn if you want to, but there's no need if you just want to fix your iceauth problem. Just get hold of xfce4-session 4.2.3-2, as advised.
Re heanet (my local mirror) the package is actually there, but extra.db.tar.gz does not include it yet - that's why pacman does not know about it. Use the link above to download and install it.
just run abs and rebuild xfce4-session...
New issue.
After upgrading to xorg7 i have the following problem: XKB layout switcher does not display correct flag (i.e. flag is not relevant to current language). It used to work correctly before.
Situation now:
Real lang -> Icon
EN -> "PC"
RU -> American flag
HEBREW -> Russian Flag
Any ideas how to fix it?
My xorg conf:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Driver "keyboard"
Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru,il"
Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin,grp:alt_shift_toggle"
Option "XkbVariant" ",winkeys,"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
I have the same problem. Already reported it as bug #4004 (
to live is to die
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