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#1 2015-01-17 10:31:37

Registered: 2015-01-17
Posts: 4

[SOLVED] Fresh install with cinnamon won't connect to wifi

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to install archlinux on my laptop, everything went rather smooth (with some minor problems on the way, not unusual with a first arch install I believe) and now I have cinnamon up and running. The only problem is that the NetworkManager won't connect to any connection.

So I used this guide to install cinnamon: … rch-linux/
And to enable the network gui I ran these commands:

$ sudo pacman –S net-tools
$ ifconfig
$ sudo pacman -S network-manager-applet
$ sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd@ens33.service
$ sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd@ens33.service
$ sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd.service
$ sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd.service
$ sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
$ sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager

Everyting went south since then. When I tried to connect to my wireless network (the router which is right next to me), it doesn't even ask for a password, it just says "connection failed". Even when I insert a network cable I get the same message. Before I installed the network manager I could connect via the commandline with wifi-menu, but when I try to to this now I get (after disabling NetworkManager and enabling dhcpcd.service again):

Job for netctl@wlp3s0\x2do_0.service failed. See "systemctl status 'netctl@wlp3s0\x2do_0.service'" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

I am now connected with  network cable, and this are my running services:

systemctl --type=service
  UNIT                        LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
  accounts-daemon.service     loaded active running Accounts Service
  colord.service              loaded active running Manage, Install and Generate
  dbus.service                loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
  dhcpcd.service              loaded active running dhcpcd on all interfaces
  gdm.service                 loaded active running GNOME Display Manager
  kmod-static-nodes.service   loaded active exited  Create list of required stat
● netctl@wireless\x2dwpa.service loaded failed failed  Networking for netctl pro
● netctl@wlp3s0\x2do_0.service loaded failed failed  Networking for netctl profi
  polkit.service              loaded active running Authorization Manager
  rtkit-daemon.service        loaded active running RealtimeKit Scheduling Polic
  systemd-backlight@backlight:intel_backlight.service loaded active exited  Load
  systemd-backlight@leds:asus::kbd_backlight.service loaded active exited  Load/
  systemd-journal-flush.service loaded active exited  Flush Journal to Persisten
  systemd-journald.service    loaded active running Journal Service
  systemd-logind.service      loaded active running Login Service
  systemd-random-seed.service loaded active exited  Load/Save Random Seed
  systemd-remount-fs.service  loaded active exited  Remount Root and Kernel File
  systemd-rfkill@rfkill0.service loaded active exited  Load/Save RF Kill Switch 
  systemd-rfkill@rfkill1.service loaded active exited  Load/Save RF Kill Switch 
  systemd-rfkill@rfkill2.service loaded active exited  Load/Save RF Kill Switch 
  systemd-sysctl.service      loaded active exited  Apply Kernel Variables
  systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service loaded active exited  Create Static Device

I only want to get my wifi up and running again. It would be a bonus if I have an gui, but I can handle it without. Does somebody know a fix?

Thanks in advance

Edit: Yes! I solved it. Apparently I needed to install gnome-keyring to get the Netwok-Manager to work.
So when anyone has the same problem: install gnome-keyring first before disabling dhcpcd.service.

Last edited by R13N (2015-01-17 10:52:57)


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