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After using sddm as my display manager, I found rethinkdb user was shown on login screen.
It's very strange and `sudo passwd -l rethinkdb` didn't solve the problem. Then I found that its uid is 1001, a normal user created by
`useradd -g rethinkdb -d /var/lib/rethinkdb -s /bin/false rethinkdb &>/dev/null`.
AFAIK a database user should be a system user, namely uid < 1000. I also checked debian rethinkdb package which is official supported. It uses
`adduser --system --quiet --group --no-create-home rethinkdb`
to create rethinkdb user. So perhaps it should use -r option to create a system user
Please file a ticket, I'll fix it in the next rethinkdb release.
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