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As the title hints at I'm having difficulties connecting to a university network with user authentication.
I started out using netctl which worked for all other networks I've encountered but after 4 hours of googling and failing I switched to Network Manager instead. Now I've gotten that up and running and it also works with every network I've tried besides the one I need.
This site from my university has the setup for the NM GUI (which is why I ended up going with NM) however when I fill it in on my system the "Connect" button remains greyed out:
(obviously I use my actual student e-mail normally but even if I didn't it should still let me connect and then fail)
I tried connecting through nm-connection-editor but it logs an error saying:
** (nm-connection-editor:27669): WARNING **: Invalid setting Wi-Fi: 802-11-wireless.ssid: proberty is missing
And even with everything filled out the "Save" option is also greyed out here but this is the only error message I've been able to find.
I hope I'm missing something trivial here but my googling is turning up nothing.
Stab in the dark, but does your University have an "eduroam" network? … ise#netctl
Can you connect using an Ubuntu live ISO?
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
It's structurally similar to eduroam from what I can see but I've already tried connecting as such with no luck. I haven't tried a live medium. I might try that tomorrow but I'm hoping I might just be needing some additional software or authorization to allow the user authentication process. I just can't seem to find much info on this. I had hoped Network Manager would work out of the box. Or at least give me an error I could use...
Last edited by Mnk (2015-01-27 20:20:36)