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Hello everyone,
after a fresh install of tor and vidalia I tried two ways to get it running.
1) From the vidalia user interface. Works fine.
2) From the command line. Works only as root. If I try to run tor as normal user I get a warning that /var/lib/tor is not owned by me. (user and group of this directory are "tor"), I can change the owner to my normal user to solve the problem.
But for me one question remains: Is this a good way to get tor running? Which users and/or groups should I use?
Last edited by FlowIt (2015-02-04 12:43:08)
I don't have any experience with tor, but why don't you add your user to the tor group?
Tried this, too, but still complaining. I have to change the owner. Simply adding me to the tor group is not enough (of couse I logged out before testing)
You should start the tor deamon using systemd:
systemctl start tor
This will start the daemon as the tor user.
Works like a charm. Thanks.