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#1 2015-02-06 13:50:02

From: /dev/random
Registered: 2013-11-01
Posts: 82

Running Tor in a systemd-container: network configuration step


I am following the wiki guide and i am now at the step where i need to configure the container to route my host internet traffic through the tor proxy.

The only advice the wiki gives is … _interface

Setup systemd-networkd according to your network in /srv/container/tor-exit/etc/systemd/network/mv-$

My network consists of my laptop and my wireless card.

I don't have a firm understanding of what exactly i'm trying to do here

Can someone please point me in the right direction. What to read, what concepts i need to master, etc....

Also, what exactly am i trying to do? 

Thank you

Last edited by captaincurrie (2015-02-06 14:08:45)


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