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Hi guys, I've a problem: I'm trying to install Arch Linux on my Acer C720 chromebook (following the Beginner's guide) when I give the command: 'pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel' I get various errors of this type: 'error: dhcpcd: signature from "Anatol Pomozov <>" is unknown trust' ':: File /mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg/dhcpcd-6.7.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).' I've tried with different mirrors to no avail.. I've also tried installing Arch Linux in a VM and it all went well, no errors, I have then zeroed out the disk and re-started the installation on the chromebook, I always get the same error.. The installation iso is the same for both the VM and the chromebook (the latest iso of Arch Linux: archlinux-2015.02.01-dual.iso)
Btw, I'm connected to the Internet via WPA encrypted wireless AP if it would help..
Thank you very much!
I've tried also with the Archboot image and I get the very same errors..
SOLVED (see the last post)
Last edited by mk2soldier (2015-02-19 22:26:48)
Welcome to the forums :-)
I'm not familiar with your hardware, have you read … Chromebook esp. … tion_media ?
Welcome to the forums :-)
I'm not familiar with your hardware, have you read … Chromebook esp. … tion_media ?
Thank you for the welcome karol :-)
In my quest for the solution I've found this:
Translated in english: … edit-text=
The user was experiencing a similar problem and he solved it by adjusting the time/date of the chromebook.
In fact also my chromebook was setted to the wrong date (year 2032 lol).
I've used the hwclock program to correct it and.. voila! Pacstrap completed without errors :-)
Thank you!
Yup, that's one reason it may fail, I don't think this information is in the wiki though. I'll see what I can do about it :-)
Please remember to mark the thread as solved