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i have a problem with the Transfer speeds of Samba.
If i start to copy files on my Linux Machine i get a max transfer rate of ~50MB/s with an average speed of ~40MB/s, it does not matter if i am copying local files to a Windows Share or if i copy from a Windows share to my local harddrive
If i start to copy files on a Windows Machine: i get a max transfer rate of ~110MB/s with an average speed of ~100MB/s, again both for copying local files to a linux share and copying files from a linux share to the local windows harddrive
So both ways are faster when copying is initiated on the Windows Machine, is there some sort of speed limit in Samba i need to raise?
write cache size with different values to the smb.conf did not help
Here is a my smb.conf
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = XXX
netbios name = XXX
security = user
map to guest = Bad User
;security = share
; the line below is important! If you have permission issues make
; sure the user here is the same as the user of the folder you
; want to share
guest account = XXX
usershare allow guests = Yes
usershare max shares = 100
usershare owner only = False
comment = Public Share
path = /home/XXX/Public
available = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
Im not sure if there are any relevant log files i could provide, if so please tell me
Last edited by blubbblubb (2015-04-01 16:27:50)
I think that it is related to ntfs (ntfs-3g) driver so in my opinion there is not much to do about this if you want to have mixed lin-win shares. The same problem occurs with usb drives connected to lin machines with ntfs (i have usb 3.0 external hdd: when i copy files with ext4 partition i have around 110MB/s, when i used ntfs i had around 30-40MB and speed was dropping while copying files).
BTW - win and lin are connected trough fast network connection (1GB lan or something similar?), right?
Last edited by firekage (2015-04-02 09:47:14)
Samba is a bit tricky. I like to test throughput either directly with smbclient or with smbnetfs.
Smbclient I always need to look how to use it. But with smnbetfs it's easy as mounting a USB stick. Just look out that you add "-o big_writes" to your smbnetfs cli because else it's slow as fuck.
As for the smb.conf here's a running example from my Workplace. Some config options come from the bad SMB implementation of OSX. (But I have to support it).
Also you should for ext4 add these options to your fstab "user_xattr,acl,barrier=1" those are recommendations from the Samba docs.
And if you aren't only running with guest accounts you should take a look at ACLs (getfacl, setfacl) it isn't as hard as it seems, and you can specify rights really detailed.
server max protocol = SMB2
encrypt passwords = yes
dns proxy = no
strict locking =no
deadtime = 15
max log size = 51200
max open files = 116921
load printers = no
getwd cache = yes
guest account = nobody
map to guest = bad user
obey pam restrictions = yes
directory name cache size = 0
kernel change notify = no
hostname lookups = no
server string = Samba Server Running Version %v
ea support = yes
store dos attributes = yes
time server = yes
acl allow execute always = true
acl check permissions = true
dos filemode = yes
domain logons = no
local master = yes
server role = member server
time server = yes
netbios name = <HOSTNAME>
workgroup = <WORKGROUP>
security = user
client ntlmv2 auth = yes
# ==== LDAP CONFIG ====
# passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://<LDAPSERVER>
# ldap admin dn = cn=<SAMBA_LDAP_USER>,dc=<DOMAIN>,dc=<TLD>
# ldap suffix = dc=<DOMAIN>,dc=<TLD>
# ldap ssl = off
# ldap replication sleep = 1000
# ldap passwd sync = yes
# ldapsam:trusted = yes
# domain logons = yes
# idmap config <DOMAIN>: backend = ldap
# idmap config <DOMAIN>: range = 10000-90000000
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0760
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0760
hide files = /._*/.DS_Store/.Trashes/.TemporaryItems/
veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/.Trashes/.TemporaryItems/
delete veto files = yes
comment = Home Directories
path = /home/%U
browseable = no
valid users = %S
create mode = 0600
directory mode = 0700
comment = media
path = <MYPATH>
browseable = yes
Edit: since your problem seems to be only on lin it could be a problem with a missing "-o big_writes" somewhere. Test the througput on the server then rsync then samba to find the problem.
#create test file
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/test.rnd bs=1M count=1024
#test on local server
rsync -P /tmp/test.rnd /path/where/share/is/
#rsync that data from remote pc
rsync -P /tmp/test.rnd user@server:/path/where/share/is/
#test with smbnetfs
smbnetfs -o big_writes ~/sshfs
rsync -P /tmp/test.rnd ~/sshfs/workgroup/share/
Last edited by Maesto (2015-04-02 11:34:53)
It does appear to be connected to the ntfs-3g Driver, i did a Test with an external USB3.0 Harddrive and it starts around 103MB/s but drops down to ~40MB/s after a few seconds.
Its just that i could swear, that i was once able to copy to my external NTFS Drive with around 100MB/s as well as to/from the Windows Shares.
Maybe they changed something in a newer update?
I dont remember having bigger speed under linux (arch) with ntfs-3g driver even when connection is done not by an usb but an sata cords directly to motherboard. NTFS on Arch or rather linux, is poor. Normal speed will be achieved using native linux filesystems, i use ext4.
BTW - of course, speed will be different, not much of a differenct, for big files or massive amounts of the small one (it will be pain in copy something like this over ntfs-3g).
Something more funny - in my case, if i try to copy large amount of files (big files) than dolphin will...frezee after a while (it looks like the job is being done but it is not, because file size has not been changed at all) and stop respond that's why i copy only using terminal or...different manager like for KDE.
Last edited by firekage (2015-04-02 20:46:45)